Top 5 API Security Best Practices

Top 5 API Security Best Practices

IT teams have been tasked with securing their organization’s digital estate while dealing with shrinking budgets and more projects. IT leaders must balance the impossible task of ensuring every API is secure without sacrificing time. And there is a lot at stake if security is not taken seriously.

Customer trust is slow to build and quick to lose — one data breach is all it takes to lose even the most loyal customer potentially. This means employing a comprehensive API security strategy is necessary and not a luxury for IT teams and it needs to be done now. After all, your digital estate is only as secure as your weakest potential entry point for bad actors.

There are two challenges that stand in the way of API security efforts:

  • API Sprawl: A drastic increase in the number of APIs has resulted in less visibility of the APIs in your digital estate. The result is challenging to manage and dramatically increases bad actors' opportunities to take advantage.
  • API Standardization: There are five fundamental steps to work through when developing your API security strategy.

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