Spotlight: Cloud-Delivered Security Services

Spotlight: Cloud-Delivered Security Services

Millions in Savings Thanks to a 45% Breach Reduction

Most large organizations are saddled with too many point solutions and services, each designed to secure against one specific threat vector. However, disparate environments, lack of integration, continual policy updates and overtaxed staff are preventing businesses from fully realizing the value or capabilities of the many solutions in their security portfolios.

With our cloud-delivered security services, our customers can confidently secure all traffic that traverses any of their networks or clouds and automatically share intelligence across the organization.

On behalf of Palo Alto Networks, Forrester Consulting recently performed a cost-benefit analysis of our cloud-delivered security services* and found that over three years, our customers were able to achieve: 

  • US$9 million in savings enabled by a 45% breach reduction 
  • US$6 million in efficiency gains for security operations and end users
  • 35% reduction in the number of advanced investigations, 20% better MTTR and a 50% decrease in the number of devices that required re-imaging

Read the Forrester Consulting study to learn how you can get consistent security across environments, automatically share intelligence between technologies, and simplify policy creation across intrusion prevention (IPS), malware analysis (sandboxing), web security (SWG), SaaS security (CASB) and IoT.

*“Palo Alto Networks Cloud-Delivered Security Services Enhance Security And Compound Benefits Of Other Network Security Investments,” a Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ Spotlight commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Palo Alto Networks, January 2021.


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