Rapidly Enabling Clinicians with Identity Security

Rapidly Enabling Clinicians with Identity Security

Hospitals and healthcare organizations remain committed to providing the kind of access clinicians need to deliver the highest quality of patient care possible.

The biggest challenges to achieving this goal today are:

  • Barriers that inhibit smooth, intelligent, timely access for clinicians to the data and applications they need to best serve patients
  • Friction that arises between these clinicians and IT teams due to a reliance on time-consuming manual processes
  • Unrelenting cyberattacks aimed at exploiting identity-related weaknesses from insecure healthcare identity management and governance
  • Limitations on audit readiness and the ability to rapidly demonstrate compliance with strict regulations
  • Lack of visibility into structured and unstructured data

These are essential areas for hospitals and healthcare executives in fulfilling their commitment to high quality patient care.

This eBook will help you understand the nature of these challenges and what to look for in a strong identity security program that can overcome them: securing your organization while empowering your clinical, IT and security staff.


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