Modernizing the Supply Chain

Modernizing the Supply Chain

Faster delivery requirements. Global shortage of warehouse workers. Ever-increasing volumes. These are just a few of the challenges facing supply chain enterprises today. Sometimes it seems as though once you’ve solved one issue, another one rears its ugly head and you’re doomed to continually play catchup. According to a recent warehouse vision study conducted by Zebra Technologies, 80% of supply chain organizations are planning to invest in new technologies in order to address these challenges and be more competitive.

It’s time to replace your outdated mobility solutions with modern Android warehouse devices. Running outdated green-screen applications won’t empower your workers to the extent necessary — they simply were not designed to match the speed and volume of today’s on-demand economy. By modernizing your warehouse with the right solutions, your workers will become quicker, more accurate, and can handle a greater volume of work. In addition, you will become a more attractive opportunity for tech-savvy millennials who view warehousing as an “old-fashioned” low-tech business. That’s in line with the following top seven labor initiatives, each of which can be accomplished more quickly and efficiently through supply chain modernization.


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