Evolving Customer Communications To The Cloud: The Definitive Guide To Saas Ccm

Evolving Customer Communications To The Cloud: The Definitive Guide To Saas Ccm

Market Growth Introduces New CCM Software Categories

Insight Partners estimates that the Customer Communications Management (CCM) market will grow 11.4% from 2022-2028 to $2.75B globally. As fast as the market is growing, so too is it changing. New categories of CCM are taking shape, giving businesses the freedom to choose the approach that's best for their needs.

While traditional CCM software is built for on-premise deployment with a perpetual license model, a new generation of CCM solutions is emerging. Enter the era of cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) CCM that replaces perpetual licenses with a subscription-based model. Whether you're considering introducing CCM to your tech stack or are looking to move from an on-premise solution to SaaS, it's critical to assess your options and identify the deployment approach that's best for your business and customer experience goals.


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