Buyer’s Guide For Pharmaceutical Search

Buyer’s Guide For Pharmaceutical Search

There's no avoiding the truth: Getting pharmaceutical drugs to market is a long and expensive process with no guarantee of success.

Deloitte estimates that the average cost of the R&D process is currently US $2.2 billion per drug, and it's only getting more expensive. The drug discovery phase, involving the discovery of novel and innovative compounds, consumes about a third of that investment and takes 10 to 12 years. The success rate in the first phase of trials is under 10% and has not increased in a decade. To make things worse, the expected Return on Investment from drug development to clinical trials declined from 10.1% in 2018 to under 2% in 2020!

You're in one of the most competitive industries on the planet. Time is of the essence. Time is money. And most importantly, time saves lives.


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