Active Intelligence: Capture the Moment with Analytics-Ready, Real-Time Data

Active Intelligence: Capture the Moment with Analytics-Ready, Real-Time Data

Today’s markets move fast and turn on a dime. To succeed, organizations have to get in front of events as they unfold. But traditional data integration isn’t designed for real-time data-streaming or an automated analytics data pipeline. And that makes it nearly impossible to deliver insights in the moment.

Our vision at Qlik® is Active Intelligence: a state of continuous intelligence in which real-time, up-to-date data triggers immediate action. Within data integration, this means taking people beyond the daily refresh with an active end-to-end data pipeline – including dynamic business content and logic – to deliver the right data to the right people in the moment, as events evolve.

With Active Intelligence, users and organizations can accelerate business value in new ways. They can more rapidly respond to events and trends in their business. They can adapt strategy, processes, and even products on a moment-to-moment basis. And they can collaborate in new ways around data. All of which adds up to better outcomes across the board.


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