A complex climate: trends and transitions in aviation

A complex climate: trends and transitions in aviation

All operators and fleet planners face a common challenge around financial sustainability. Whether it’s to do with ongoing recovery after the long-lasting disruption of the past couple of years, or a need for a sensible, workable plan for the foreseeable future. Add emerging and evolving problems around fuel price spikes and staff shortages, and the issue becomes more challenging still.

Rolls-Royce's new eBook, A complex climate: trends and transitions in aviation, addresses all this, and showcases why the Trent-700 engine and Airbus A330 combination can be the ideal solution for freight and passenger operators alike. Download your copy now to find out:

  • Solutions to overcome supply chain issues and staff shortages
  • Where the A330 and Trent-700 wins on economical flying for all carriers
  • Why freight can be the backbone of aviation as the passenger recovery continues


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