5 Strategies for Product Development Leaders to Satisfy Product Requirements and Meet Delivery Deadlines

5 Strategies for Product Development Leaders to Satisfy Product Requirements and Meet Delivery Deadlines

Companies are facing new and unprecedented product development challenges. Trade wars and pandemics are recent examples of the disruption affecting today’s manufacturing industry, driving new norms. To understand these issues at a strategic level, Lifecycle Insights recently conducted the 2020 Engineering Executive’s Strategic Agenda study.

Findings from the study show that product development leaders face two competing constraints that are forcing change across the board. Fifty-three percent of respondents cited “satisfying target requirements” as the top-ranking issue. Forty-five percent ranked “keeping up with development schedules” as the secondmost pressing issue. Reconciling these two demands is difficult because increasingly complex requirements traditionally translate to longer development schedules. But today’s manufacturers do not have the luxury of addressing one issue or the other. They must do both.

While these challenges are significant, they are not insurmountable. Success, however, requires the right combination of people, process, and technology changes.

This eBook provides guidance on these changes. It reveals more of the study’s findings, providing insights into the dynamic issues that will transform product development in the years ahead. It also provides guidance to product development organizations, explaining the competencies and capabilities required to address these challenges.


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