2022 Research Report on Securing Your Enterprise in a Multi-Cloud Environment

2022 Research Report on Securing Your Enterprise in a Multi-Cloud Environment

As organizations continue to move data resources to the cloud and containerize applications, mitigating threats to their cloud-based environments, such as ransomware, is more important than ever. Yet many organizations are relying heavily on their cloud service provider’s (CSP’s) backup and recovery tools, often using the default configuration, rather than implementing a more robust third-party backup and recovery tool. This puts their organization at risk of ransomware attacks, data theft and application outages that could bring their business to a standstill. Veritas has partnered with research firm Vanson Bourne to survey global IT leaders and more deeply understand the extent to which organizations are relying on these CSP backup and recovery tools, and whether they understand the dangers involved. Detailed in this report, “2022 Research Report on Securing Your Enterprise in a Multi-Cloud Environment,” are in-depth findings from the research, as well as recommended steps organizations should take to reduce their attack surface and mitigate the effects of ransomware, human error, natural disasters, cloud and data center outages. Download the report to learn more.


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