What Advantages Does the Digital Workspace Bring to Today’s Enterprises?

Benefits of a digital workspace

Digital transformation is one of the keys to succeeding in today’s business environment. It is not as simple as using the latest hardware and computerized records. It should be a holistic approach that leverages all the advantages mainstream technology can provide.

About 92% of business leaders agree that digitization holds many benefits, especially when it concerns customer experience. Response to the customer’s needs can become faster and more thorough, as smart devices and tools communicate needs almost immediately to the company. Access to data empowers the company leaders to make informed, fact-supported decisions that can impact their target markets positively. The workforce is no longer tied down to one location but, through their smart devices, can work and meet in various places.

Digital transformation is not just about migrating to modern software and using it in the office. A truly holistic approach includes process improvement, automation, culture, and digital workplaces.

Why implement a top-level approach to digital transformation and workspace?

Digital transformation is not a fad or a technological flash in the pan that will disappear overnight. It is a top-level strategy for legacy companies to compete in a tech-filled landscape. 

Modern tools are a given, culture is complicated, but there are useful articles online describing its importance. The same can be said about automation and processes. A digital workplace is another piece of the puzzle that’s often underrated and underutilized. Neglecting it hinders the maximization of digitization benefits.

A holistic approach is also interdepartmental. One of the most significant benefits of a digital workplace is closer collaboration among employees at all levels. Siloed departments are the father of bureaucracy, which in turn gives birth to red tape, process choke points, and other operational inefficiencies.

However, there’s a reason why departments were separated in the first place:  customer service teams need to be in the front line; back-office teams such as accounting and HR need a traditional office set-up; sales teams need to be in the field; engineering teams need to be located near their equipment; the same holds true for security and IT, etc.

It only makes sense to have your human talent near their core focus or away from distractions. Having liaisons go through needles to coordinate with other departments is the most common way to keep things in order. A digital workspace now mitigates that operational flaw.

Incorporating the modern workforces who work in a variety of settings is the very core definition of a digital workspace. 

Benefits of a digital workspace

Lower operating costs – One way a digital workplace can positively impact a company right away is the lowered operating cost. Digital file storage costs much less than paper files. Employees working at home will also save the company electricity, allowances, and space. A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy can also save the company millions in hardware acquisition and maintenance.

Real-time communication – Most people are aware that real-time video communication anywhere in the world is possible with the right technology and services. It is developed for the very purpose of facilitating commerce. Enabling digital media such as videos, photos, audio, documents, and other such files to cross borders within mere seconds can deliver the right information to decision-makers and promote business.

Data-on-Demand – Speaking of decision-makers and information, a digital workspace creates a situation where managers can access data for analysis on demand. It can also be done using different devices and not just the office computer. It can make any place a workspace.Digital Workspace Data-on-Demand – Speaking of decision-makers and information, a digital workspace creates a situation where managers can access data for analysis on demand. It can also be done using different devices and not just the office computer. It can make any place a workspace.

Happier employees – Worker morale is directly proportional to their productivity. Telecommuting empowers employees to have a better work-life balance and improves their quality of life. It, in turn, improves their morale. The staff also becomes more confident and feel more fulfilled in the execution of their duties, as they know that their efforts are being supported and enhanced by user-friendly, efficient IT systems.

Larger talent pool – Having no restrictions on the location of the workplace exponentially increases the candidates that are available to work for the company. It gives them access to the desirable skill-cost balance of potential employees that would not have been available otherwise.

The digital workspace and beyond

The advantages of digital transformation can leave legacy companies in the dust. It takes a while for the culture to sink in, and automation increases efficiency while reducing errors. But only a digital workspace can immerse the company in the modern age and make them embrace it.

The list of companies that are reaping the benefits of a digital workplace is not short. How they are leveraging it depends on the core focus of the company itself. Communications, talent pools, and agility can impact different companies in different ways. In the end, the digital workspace does improve overall customer satisfaction and ultimately, the bottom line.


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