Examining the 4 Steps Buyers Should Take on Your B2B E-Commerce Website

Examining the 4 Steps Buyers Should Take on Your B2B E-Commerce Website

Since there’s a lot of talk about “good” digital experiences lately, especially when it comes to business to business (B2B) e-commerce, the meaning behind their creation and implementation often gets lost along the way. Nonetheless, many distributors are adopting e-commerce strategies and building out their tech stacks, with the adoption growth rate steadily increasing every year.

But there tends to be a gap between adoption and satisfaction for B2B distributors. Even though up to 38% of B2B distribution companies at the $100M to $500M revenue mark invest in e-commerce, only 6% walk away as "extremely satisfied" with their investment, with 23% feeling "moderately satisfied" and 15% feeling "not at all satisfied."