How Does Your Organization Stack Up to your Competition? Exclusive Supply Chain Executive Survey

How Does Your Organization Stack Up to your Competition?  Exclusive Supply Chain Executive Survey

If supply chain disruption is what keeps IT executives up at night, it’s safe to say there hasn’t been much sleep lately.

Some disruption is uncontrollable for technology leaders, like underperforming sales channels, economic concerns, or trading-partner related business issues.  But rather than being passive and doing nothing, the “2023 Global Supply Chain Executive Report” revealed that IT departments are going on the offensive to take control of their business: 

  • 47% look to modernize their current ERP or CRM for better synchronization and integration across their digital ecosystem.
  • 46% of respondents are investing in new supply chain technology in order to bring on new trading partners faster.
  • 36% of respondents are planning on adding new sales channels, such as going direct-to-consumer through an eCommerce platform or marketplace.

But that’s not all.  Read the rest of the “2023 Global Supply Chain Executive Report” to learn what else 100+ surveyed IT leaders have planned to combat supply chain disruption.