5 Secrets to a Better Onboarding Experience





5 Secrets to a Better Onboarding Experience

Since the pandemic began in early 2020, businesses have struggled to predict what the job market will do next.

In the pandemic’s earliest days, widespread shutdowns resulted in staggering job losses— followed by economic stimulus that ushered in the Great Resignation, a mass exodus as workers fled their old jobs for greener pastures. Fast forward to 2022, and businesses are facing record inflation, continuing supply chain stumbles, and a wave of layoffs in the tech sector, even as job growth remains on the rise in other industries.

To call what’s been happening “churn” would be putting it too mildly.

Across the nation, HR managers are coping with staffing challenges in an unforgiving economic landscape. New employees who landed job offers during the stimulus-fueled hiring frenzy need onboarding that gets them up to speed, working productively, and feeling positive about their choice in employer. And for employees hired more recently, there’s even more pressure to drive immediate impact.

In this article, we’ll look at five critical onboarding metrics that will help you measure how well your onboarding process is preparing new hires—and where you might need to make changes.