Cultivating Workforce Well-Being to Drive Business Value

Cultivating Workforce Well-Being to Drive Business Value


This decade will be remembered as an era of dramatic change for workers. Amid the ongoing digital transformation that has been reshaping the workplace over the past decade, many workers had to learn new ways to do their jobs in a matter of days, whether at a distance, around the clock, or facing financial or safety risks they never imagined they would face, due to Covid-19. Some of the wrenching changes brought on by the global pandemic are now part of the social contract that organizations have with their workers—an unwritten understanding that workforce well-being is essential not only to individual workers but also to the success of the entire organization.  

Indeed is proud to sponsor, and share this special report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, “Cultivating Worker Wellbeing to Drive Business Value.” This report makes one thing crystal clear: Companies who prioritize workplace wellbeing and happiness, see better business results.

This report reflects the views of 1,073 business leaders and shows there is universal agreement that prioritizing worker happiness gives companies a competitive advantage (87%), makes it easier to retain talent (96%), and has a positive impact on society as a whole.

Download the report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services for actionable insights on work wellbeing.