Security approaches for hybrid cloud environments

Security approaches for hybrid cloud environments

ANALYST MATERIAL - Security approaches for hybrid cloud environments (space) Operationalizing defense in depth practices. Operationalizing hybrid cloud security is a strategic imperative that requires a holistic and layered approach to assure consistency across a heterogeneous landscape. While tried and true cybersecurity approaches still apply, including implementing defense in depth, new methodologies and technologies necessitate the modernization of cybersecurity programs across the core pillars of people, process, and technology. - This analyst paper explores the composition of hybrid clouds and the challenges associated with securing their dynamic and complex environments to offer a series of security best practices for a full-stack, full-lifecycle approach. Topics include: The composition of the modern datacenter. Hybrid cloud security challenges. Improving security posture across hybrid cloud environments.(space) The bigger truth.- Download this Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) whitepaper about a strategic imperative to address the cloud security readiness gap.