Forward Points Optimisation: The Secret Weapon in Currency Management

Forward Points Optimisation: The Secret Weapon in Currency Management

With the Forward Points Optimisation report, risk managers can take advantage of differences between spot and forward currency rates to reduce the cost of hedging, capture financial gains, and improve pricing. Inside you’ll find

  • A neglected issue comes back roaring

    As interest rates change worldwide, interest rate differentials between currencies are bound to shift as well. Learn how you can take advantage of forward points to avoid the negative impact.

  • Reducing the cost of hedging

    By putting a system in place that monitors the changes in the rates, you are able to find the best time to hedge and leverage the forward points. We will take you through the best way to reduce the cost of hedging.

  • Pricing with the forward FX rate

    If you want to get ahead of your competitors, this technique can help you increase your competitiveness and leverage the forward points. Once you find this advantage, your company can boost sales.

  • Getting the C-suite onboard for a digital treasury function

    By automating forward points optimisation, the company can achieve financial gains and improve its competitive position. In this report, we explain how treasurers can drive the conversation with the C-suite and get buy-in for an automation solution.