Elevate The Frontline To Elevate The Business

Elevate The Frontline To Elevate The Business


Discover how investing in EX leads improves revenue in this WorkJam commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting.

This Forrester Consulting study* explores the four operational pillars of frontline work: scheduling, training and learning, task management, and communications. Respondents’ firms with more mature digital frontline practices see benefits across their organizations — notably an increase in revenue.

Across industries* 52% of enterprises with high-maturity EX strategies report double-digit revenue growth YoY compared to only 32% of low-maturity firms.

*Survey includes survey respondents from the following industries: manufacturing and materials (19%), retail (18%), hospitality and travel (14%), healthcare (13%), consumer product goods (13%), food and/or beverage service (12%), and grocery/food shopping (11%).

4 Key Findings

  1. Decision-makers mistakenly feel they must choose between EX and business success
  2. Organizations are struggling to expand the reach of digital transformation initiatives to the frontline
  3. The companies that invest in operational technologies for their frontline are more mature
  4. A mature frontline reaps business results

What Are Mature Companies Doing to Digitally Transform The Frontline?

Highly mature organizations are more likely to have adopted technologies specifically designed to aid and enhance frontline operationalization.

Mature organizations are investing in their frontline with technologies and applications that make scheduling, learning, task management, and communication easier and more accessible to frontline employees and their managers.

*A Forrester Consulting study commissioned by WorkJam, March 2023