Modern Storage Buyers’ Guide

Modern Storage Buyers’ Guide

As companies shift their strategies to accommodate a changing data protection and storage landscape, they have updated their expectations on what a data storage solution should provide for them. While buyers can choose to prioritize myriad capabilities, the final decision begins and ends with performance. For Tier 1 use cases, buyers are increasingly choosing all flash storage, followed by a hybrid option that incorporates high speed caching tiers in front of flash, SSD, and traditional HDD storage technologies. Backup or archival use cases are still primarily using a combination of SSD for fast ingest and HDD for longer term storage before tiering to cloud or archival media. However, backups are expected to adopt a more hybrid storage architecture over the next two years to accommodate the need for improved performance, built-in security, and a suite of evolving capabilities that address data management concerns of modern enterprises. According to Forrester’s Business Technographics® Infrastructure Survey, 2021, 64% of respondents have adopted flash-based storage, and that number is growing with 14% planning to adopt in the next 12 months.