A Public Safety Officer’s: Comprehensive Guide to Natural Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications

A Public Safety Officer’s: Comprehensive Guide to Natural Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications


They come without warning. They come without consideration for the innocent, the aged, or the infirmed. They don’t care about historical landmarks, infrastructure, or financial repercussions. They bring hellish winds, devastating rain, crippling damage to terrain, and leave in their wake people wiping away tears, standing with fortitude and a commitment to recover and rebuild.

Any community in the country is at risk of at least one type of natural disaster. There is no place on earth safe from the possibility of an unprovoked attack by mother nature. This eBook has been designed to summarize the most common types of natural disasters that impact communities in the United States. These hazards include floods, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, and extreme heat. This eBook provides safety education information that you can share with your community throughout the year to keep disaster awareness top-of-mind. We’ve also compiled tips and best practices for issuing naturaldisaster related emergency communications before, during, and after an event, to keep as many people safe as possible.