Pricing Excellence Report and 2023 Outlook

Pricing Excellence Report and 2023 Outlook


Copperberg and Vendavo surveyed 122 pricing professionals in 2022 through an online quantitative survey. The report includes a summary and analysis of the results and commentary from Copperberg and Vendavo experts.

We asked questions like:

·       Who owns pricing in your organization?

·       What kind of pricing resources do you have?

·       What does pricing recruiting look like and what skills are most important?

·       What pricing technique do you leverage?

·       How are using technology solutions to improve your pricing strategy?

·       How do you foster cross-collaboration between pricing and other departments?

·       What challenges do you expect to face in 2023 when it comes to pricing?

·       The report explores:

·       Pricing and talent ownership in 2023

·       How companies are achieving pricing agility

·       Pricing tools and software

·       Common pricing challenges and opportunities