A CISO guide to calculating the ROI of Prisma Cloud

Forrester Consulting TEI study shows a 264% ROI.

Palo Alto Networks commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a 2023 Total Economic Impact study that examines the potential return on investment enterprises may see when deploying Prisma® Cloud.

The numbers* associated with the 3-year benefits of Prisma Cloud are pretty significant:

  • $9.4 million benefits present value.
  • $6.9 million net present value.
  • 264% ROI.
  • <6 months payback.

Watch this on-demand webinar with guest speaker Forrester consultant Luca Son to: 

  • Understand the TEI enterprise companies have realized by deploying Prisma Cloud’s Code to Cloud intelligence platform.
  • Discover how the code-to-cloud approach to security helped organizations effectively secure new code developed for the cloud, reduce SecOps and DevOps effort and drive down possible breach costs.
  • Learn the ROI framework and checklist created for CISOs/CIOs to evaluate the potential financial impact of Prisma Cloud in your own organization.

Register to watch and you’ll also get access to the full TEI report and executive summary. 

*Study results are for a composite organization representative of interviewed customers.