Tip sheet End of Life vs. End of Service Life

Tip sheet: End of Life (EOL) vs. End of Service Life (EOSL)

What are End of Life (EOL) and End of Service Life (EOSL) dates, and how are they different? Discover what these terms mean for your data center and what to do when your equipment reaches these life cycle stages.

You may have heard Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) use terms like End of Life (EOL) and End of Service Life or End of Support Life (EOSL). But do you know what to do once your IT hardware approaches these dates?

Both EOL and EOSL represent critical life cycle stages for your data center equipment. Each OEM defines and shares these milestones differently, making it easy to overlook or lose track of upcoming timeframes.

Use this tip sheet to become better informed about:

  • EOL and EOSL definitions
  • Support options and considerations
  • How to find EOL and EOSL dates
  • Next steps for your equipment

Download now to help weigh your options, maximize your IT investment and identify what’s next for your EOL or EOSL hardware.