The Best & Worst Categories for Amazon Brands

The Best & Worst Categories for Amazon Brands

Find out which are the best and worst Amazon categories for sellers based on market competition, consumer demand, sales trends, and other factors.

Key takeaways

  • Five of the most popular Amazon categories among brands, sellers, and consumers. Market share leaders; search, sales, and pricing trends; and factors that play into category popularity. Plus, expert tips for selling in these highly saturated markets.
  • Five of the least-shopped, least-sold-in categories on Amazon. Explore market intelligence that aims to answer the question: What opportunities exist for brands and sellers in low-demand markets, and how can you seize them?
  • A look inside five categories that are popular with sellers but not shoppers, or vice versa. Market insights and expert advice on how to enter and navigate Amazon’s less predictable categories.

What’s inside this free report

  • Amazon market data on 70+ brands and over 20 categories
  • 16 expert tips to stand out in highly competitive categories, generate growth in low-demand markets, and reduce risk in categories with fluctuating demand
  • The biggest risks and potential rewards of selling in different category types