On-Demand: Navigating New Rules in Fighting Friendly Fraud Chargebacks

On-Demand: Navigating New Rules in Fighting Friendly Fraud Chargebacks

Unlock expert insights from Signifyd’s 2024 FLOW Summit

The payment ecosystem is constantly evolving, and the past year has seen significant changes to combat friendly fraud chargebacks. In this exclusive on-demand video from Signifyd’s 2024 FLOW Summit, industry experts dive deep into the latest rules and practices reshaping the landscape.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Impact on Win Rates: Understand how network and issuer-friendly fraud resolution programs influence chargeback win rates.
  • Retail Vertical Differences: Learn how these changes affect various retail sectors, from physical to digital goods.
  • Best Practices: Discover effective strategies for leveraging different program requirements to minimize friendly fraud chargebacks.
  • Opportunities for Merchants: Explore new opportunities to strengthen your defense against friendly fraud and protect your revenue.
