How Moving EHR Workloads to a Private Cloud helps Organize IT Delivery

How Moving EHR Workloads to a Private Cloud helps Organize IT Delivery

Rackspace simplifies cloud service provisioning by consolidating multiple vendor services into a single, comprehensive solution. With over 10,000 technical certifications and an average of 15 years of healthcare IT experience, Rackspace's team ensures a seamless cloud migration process, from strategy and project planning to steady-state infrastructure management. Leveraging Dell's industry-leading infrastructure, Rackspace delivers unparalleled security, scalability, and compliance for mission-critical healthcare applications, allowing healthcare organizations to focus on patient care rather than IT management.

Rackspace's ownership of its global data centers, all running on Dell infrastructure, guarantees the highest levels of availability and performance for EHRs. The close alliance between Rackspace and Dell accelerates implementation timelines and provides expert-led infrastructure provisioning. Post-migration, Rackspace offers 24x7x365 managed services, flexible maintenance schedules, and support for both Epic and non-Epic workloads, ensuring clinical continuity and maximum uptime. By partnering with Rackspace, healthcare organizations can achieve better patient outcomes without the burden of managing on-premises data centers.