TAC_900.001_GBL_EBK_How Do I Requirements for AME.pdf

How to satisfy requirements and meet deadlines with cloud-based SaaS PLM


Navigate conflicting and competing demands with cloud-based SaaS solutions.

New advancements in machine building bring about new challenges, which add to the complexity of designing, manufacturing, and servicing industrial machines.

Industrial machinery companies need to navigate the complex landscape efficiently to make deadlines, control costs, and meet customer expectations.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software can help companies embrace the complex realities associated with building machines.

Get this free ebook and discover how PLM solutions help users track and satisfy requirements, improve BOM management, maintain timelines with schedules, and ultimately realize improved efficiency and higher productivity.

Using PLM solutions to address product and process complexity

Product and process complexity is only increasing, according to recent studies mentioned in this ebook.

Industrial machines are becoming smarter and more connected, and at the same time, design cycles are shrinking with earlier deadlines.

With all these changes to machines, the processes used to design and build them need to change, too.

A SaaS PLM solution provides an affordable way for companies to stay on schedule and satisfy requirements regardless of project complexity.

Efficiently track and satisfy requirements for industrial machinery

PLM software uses requirements management features to help engineers across design domains and throughout the development cycle.

Requirements management formally defines, tracks, and manages requirements across the product development process, and it helps engineers and other stakeholders stay on schedule more easily.

Integrating requirements management with other aspects of the product, like a bill of materials (BOM), can help accelerate the design process, too.

Digital solutions like PLM in the cloud can be a benefit to each engineering domain and other functional departments.

Get a fast ROI with SaaS PLM solutions

Implementing a PLM solution has traditionally taken months or even years and uses significant resources, but cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) PLM solutions are changing that.

SaaS PLM solutions provide instant accessibility because the service is already up and running. All that’s needed is a license or subscription for access, eliminating any large up-front installation costs.

Companies implementing a SaaS PLM solution need little to no IT support to get started.

Download this free ebook and learn how SaaS PLM solutions are helping companies modernize development processes and become more efficient organizations from start to finish.