Separated by a common language: Is the C-Suite able to truly decipher and act upon the real threat of cyber-attacks?

Separated by a common language: Is the C-Suite able to truly decipher and act upon the real threat of cyber-attacks?

Kaspersky is a global company with threat intelligence experts active in every region. The business has used this unique experience to undertake extensive research into how the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats is being interpreted by a C-suite challenged with defending its businesses against them.

Our findings exclusively reveal a C-Suite that is mostly aware of how often their businesses are being attacked, but that the language and terminology that is being used to describe cyber security threats is simply too opaque for them to interpret and isn’t resonating. This means that the C-suite is often finding itself in a position where they are having to make business critical decisions without a clear picture of their unique threat landscape and the risk it poses to their organisation.

The following report highlights both significant leaps in cybersecurity awareness in the boardroom on one side, with clear areas for improvement on the other. The findings uncover that while there is no shortage of information on the topic and concern on the part of the C-Suite, crucially there is a clear lack of available and actionable intelligence.