Rena Ware Reduced Operational Costs by 40% Through Consolidation on Office 365

Rena Ware Reduced Operational Costs by 40% Through Consolidation on Office 365

After years of successful global expansion and growth, Rena Ware today finds itself operating in seven regional markets.

Like just about every company, the global COVID-19 pandemic put pressure on Rena Ware’s operations. The pressures brought about by regional differences in licensing and operational requirements were magnified by the pandemic. The impacts of communication and integration challenges also began to be felt. So, when Rena Ware emerged from the global pandemic, its leadership was determined to transform and optimize the operations at the very foundation of its business. During the RFP phase, Rena Ware was attracted to Rackspace Technology due to the direct support offered and the value added by the qualifications of the team.

“I had a very controlled budget,” recalled Juan David Gutierrez Delgado, Global IT Director at Rena Ware “I was very clear from the beginning and very honest, and I liked that Rackspace understood that and gave me access to the best resources possible, aligned to my strategy and the priorities in the budget that I had.”

Under pressure to complete the project quickly, Gutierrez leaned heavily on the Rackspace team to make sure the project was done right.


Download the full case study to see how Rackspace delivered.