How IT Can Support More Sustainable Manufacturing Operations.

eBook: How IT Can Support More Sustainable Manufacturing Operations.

Sustainability in manufacturing (and businesses in general) has become increasingly critical. According to the EPA, more companies than ever see sustainability as “an important objective in their strategy and operations to increase growth and global competitiveness.” They recognize seeking greater sustainability leads to many benefits like:

• Strengthening brand reputation and encouraging trust

• Reducing costs and waste

• Creating a new competitive advantage

• Staying ahead of the curve in terms of regulatory constraints

• Ensuring the long-term viability of the business

The ways IT departments can contribute to an organization’s sustainability goals may not be obvious to manufacturers, but through our work with industrial clients we’ve discovered innovative ways IT equipment can help reduce carbon footprint. From focusing on product resiliency and reliability that reduces waste caused by slowdowns and production stops, to partnering with our supply chain vendors to reduce emissions created by manufacturing our own products, Schneider Electric is committed to helping IT departments make a positive impact.

Part of making that impact is making the most sustainable choices possible when upgrading or choosing new equipment. It may be surprising how much money those sustainable choices can save the company, especially in the long run. So when it’s time to discuss budget, this eBook is a great resource to help decision-makers understand how sustainability can be positive for their bottom line.