How Edge Computing Enables Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.

eBook: How Edge Computing Enables Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.

In the world of manufacturing, disruptive technology has always been the driver of the various stages of the Industrial Revolution. The first revolution began with steam power and mechanical production, followed by the enablement of mass production and assembly lines through electricity in the second. The third and current revolution was driven by information and communications technology, with the first wave of automation and networked production.

The next wave, known as Industry 4.0, is driven by the digitization of manufacturing, taking what began with the adoption of computers and enhancing it with smart and autonomous systems fueled by data. Now computers on the production floor are connected to communicate with each other and ultimately drive computerized decision-making — and the more access to data these machines have, the smarter they get.

While Industry 4.0 refers to the revolution as a whole, the term ‘smart manufacturing’ refers to the specific tools and practices of advanced technology to improve efficiency, production, and process quality, save energy, save money in the long term, and allow for more agile and competitive operations.

Manufacturers can’t wait to begin their transition to Industry 4.0 — the Manufacturing Report of 2020 highlights MIT’s Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) findings that show future-ready companies enjoy margins 16% higher than the industry average. However, that doesn’t mean an immediate jump to extreme modernization is required. The same report shows 43% of businesses are encountering so many roadblocks to modernization that they’re experiencing digital transformation fatigue.

What most companies need is a trusted partner to help them navigate the changes they can make today to boost their smart manufacturing capabilities and enable Industry 4.0 in the future. Schneider Electric has been a trusted partner helping clients tackle everything, from basic preventive services all the way to redesigning their permanent IT backbone. Keep reading to learn more about what this new wave means for your manufacturing industry IT department and how you can set your team and organization up for success.