The Case for Modernizing IT Infrastructure in Higher Education

eBook:  The Case for Modernizing IT Infrastructure in Higher Education

If there’s ever been a time to modernize, that time is now. As they say, evolve or become extinct. Easier said than done, we know. While arguably one of the most important segments of a higher ed institution, little more than an average of 4% is spent on IT. Without much choice in the matter, doing more with less is often the modus operandi of IT teams.

The good news is, the options to modernize are applicable to a range of situations, capabilities and budget constraints. Some aging facilities may need improvements such as more space, more efficient cooling, or more flexible power infrastructure. Others could benefit from standing up new microdata centers or even large-scale central data facilities. The point is, modernization can be scalable. You just have to pick the path that works best for you.

In this eBook, we’ll cover the following topics:

• Higher education trends driving the need to modernize

• The benefits of modernizing IT infrastructure

• The steps you can take to modernize