

This is the line with the best shot of being read. Keep it short.

  • If it can't fit in the header, best to use bullets here
  • Bullets are naturally scannable
  • Bullets give users meta data b/c they give an sense of how much there is to read

Most likely users will not read this paragraph, although bolding a line will improve those chances. Big "long form" block of copy are not scannable. This is what users are most likely to skip since they have seldom been punished for skipping a block of copy like this. Users "satisfice", which means they will only read what they think they need until they're satisfied that they get it well enough to do what they need. TLDR means "too long didn't read" after all and it's a meme developed by the web for the web. This copywriter would be stunned if you made it this far.

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