Guide to Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Data Centers

Whitepaper: Guide to Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Data Centers

As the world becomes more automated and digital, the data center industry is undergoing rapid growth to support this transformation. But growth has to be done in an environmentally friendly way. Data center operators are making commitments on environmental sustainability as part of their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs. In addition to social and environmental responsibilities, there are other drivers for reporting progress on sustainability

Data center operators should use a standard set of metrics. Without standards, data center operators and those wishing to evaluate data center performance (e.g., investors, regulators, employees, etc.) face the following challenges:

• Benchmarking - When organizations use different metrics, it’s difficult to compare data center performance. Without benchmarking, it’s difficult to establish common criteria and establish leaders that a data center operator can compare against or aspire to. In short, standardized metrics provide a ledger for comparison and benchmarking for companies that aspire to differentiate through sustainability.

• Alignment - Lack of standard metrics can make it difficult to identify organizational discrepancies between divisions / operating units and executive management functions (CEO, CFO, COO and CSO - chief sustainability officer). Standardized environmental metrics are needed to set goals & strategies, know where to improve, know what to prioritize, and to show continuous progress, ensuring all players are using the same rulebook.