High Performance Computing Built for the Cloud

High Performance Computing Built for the Cloud


Empowering new product development teams to innovate faster is front and center in an enterprise’s strategy to stay competitive. Yet commercializing science & engineering breakthroughs is increasingly difficult. According to Gartner’s 2021 R&D Leadership Council Report, 90% of R&D leaders find accelerating new technologies to support new product development to be difficult, despite it being a top priority.

Key Topics Include:

  • Common challenges constraining engineering productivity
  • Changing business demands driving digital transformation
  • New opportunities to leverage cloud-based HPC for improved business results



R&D is moving to the cloud. Learn how to maximize its value for your business.Cloud has democratized access to high performance computing by putting powerful computational infrastructure and capabilities in the hands of researchers and engineers.But many organizations struggle to develop the strategies to implement and take full advantage of all cloud has to offer.

In this eBook, you will learn Rescale’s best practices and attributes of highly effective cloud-HPC operations to help you pursue your engineering and IT goals and transform your digital capabilities.