5 Questions to Ask About Your Safety Culture

5 Questions to Ask About Your Safety Culture

The term safety culture gets thrown around a lot, and it’s sometimes hard to understand what it truly means, let alone figure out how to promote and establish a strong culture in the workplace. Culture is a broad term that includes the collective behaviors, attitudes,knowledge, habits, and beliefs common to a specific group.

Every workplace has a distinct culture that develops and evolves over the years due to specific influences. While most companies have written programs for how employees are supposed to behave regarding safety, the company’s safety culture is how those things are actually done.

In short, one simple explanation of safety culture is “how employees behave when no one is watching.” Are safety habits second nature, or are they quickly abandoned without constant reminders?

If your organization does not have a strong safety culture, it is important to understand the root causes of detractors and skeptics. Why are people resistant to safety behaviors?