TPM Guide

Boost Revenue and Growth with Modern Trade Promotion Management


Consumer goods (CG) companies can unlock a bigger return on their trade spend investment if they can spot and scale their most profitable programs quickly.

Despite huge budgets, 72% of promotions won’t break even.

(“Winning Through More Insightful, Better Executed Promotions,” Promotion Optimisation Institute, August 2019).

The answers lie in their data, but right now, promotions are so cumbersome to track that billions in spending goes unevaluated.

In fact, 60% of businesses rely on spreadsheet-driven processes that don’t use real-time data, don’t connect with AI-driven analysis, and are difficult to manipulate at the account level.

Complete the form to find out how to keep up in the face of stiff industry headwinds, and how you can keep your  key account managers focused on building strategic partnerships instead of updating or investigating promotions.