Migrating From Windows CE Using Android Terminal Emulation

Best Practices When Migrating From Windows CE Using Android Terminal Emulation

As the digital and labor landscape evolves for warehouse and manufacturing operations, many managers are facing a common challenge: today’s workers expect a more modern mobility experience than the legacy “green screen” terminal emulation (TE) apps being run on Windows CE devices. At the same time, those very devices are getting harder to support as they age. Migrating from Windows Mobile CE systems to Android devices with Terminal Emulation solves both these problems.

This whitepaper highlights some of the benefits your operation can experience after migrating to an Android devices with Terminal Emulation. It also reviews some of the best practices and pro-tips being recommended by leaders in the industry. This document provides a great starting point for IT managers who are just starting to plan their migrations and want to ensure they can maximize their investment and reduce unexpected obstacles and slow-downs.

About the Author
POSGuys is a leading hardware & software solutions provider in the point of sale, warehouse, and logistics space. Since being founded in 2001, we’ve helped over 200k+ businesses — big and small — manage their technology projects.

Our team of sales engineers, developers, and U.S.-based support technicians have a combined 100+ years of industry experience and long-time relationships with major industry manufactures and software developers.