Low Code Value Handbook

Low Code Value Handbook

Information technology can be a value creator to the modern enterprise – however, 74% of its most ardent supporters report a considerable pipeline of unmet requests for software. Adding to that, 61% say that IT is delivering on less than half of their ideas. The traditional application development process is clotting up the application pipeline and blocking value realization. This often puts additional strain on an already brittle maintenance process. Resources are bled out. Expectations aren't met. Application quality dips. And IT is no longer supplying added value to the organization.

Both Mendix and ACCSCIENT Digital know this scenario all too well. With over 15 years of experience across multiple verticals, they have observed businesses worldwide devoting too much time on yesterday's problems, not nearly enough time on today's challenges, and little to no time on tomorrow's opportunities.

Are you prepared to solve this growing application pipeline issue and turn your IT organization into a value-added department?

Learn how in our Low-Code Value Handbook.