The 5 best practices of leading marketing teams.

The 5 best practices of leading marketing teams.

This piece provides a quick but informative view of the key highlights from the report. The reader should quickly understand the best practices that make leaders stand out from the laggards – and help them understand that, in the digital age, a successful marketing strategy requires an effective, scalable marketing automation tool to drive ROI. The responses from more than 600 organizations were distilled into a value-packed, 29-page research report, the highlights of which you can find below. Read on for essential advice on how to approach your marketing strategy plan.

Best Practices:

  1. be purposeful: use a blend of account-based and people-based marketing strategies
  2. align marketing and sales teams
  3. personalize at scale
  4. orchestrate and measure
  5. use the data available to you 


98% of marketers say that marketing automation is very important or  extremely important to success.

64% of leaders have high level of content personalization* in their marketing versus 7% of laggards.