A Global Pharma Increases Brand Sales With Indegene’s Omnichannel Analytics

A Global Pharma Increases Brand Sales With Indegene’s Omnichannel Analytics

The company is a global manufacturer and distributor of medicines across a wide range of therapeutic areas.

The company wanted to accelerate customer conversions in the European Union (EU) markets by improving how its salesforce engaged with healthcare providers (HCPs) across channels. Adopting a hyper-personalized omnichannel engagement strategy was key to enabling this. But the company was challenged with multiple barriers to execution.


  • They had limited visibility into HCPs’ channel preferences, resulting in weak targeting and segmentation
  • Their sales data lacked the required granularity as they were available only at brick-level
  • They had no clear key performance indicators to quantify marketing channel contributions on incremental sales, further limiting visibility into Return on Investments (ROI)