The Benefits of IT Asset Management and Disposition Services for a Hybrid Workforce

The Benefits of IT Asset Management and Disposition Services for a Hybrid Workforce

The modern workforce relies on an increasingly diverse mix of devices to work productively from anywhere, at any time. With more enterprises paying attention to employee sentiment and satisfaction, optimizing the end user device experience – along with achieving operational efficiencies in device management – are key strategic priorities for IT organizations.

To help, more enterprises are considering asset lifecycle management (ALM) services. Resource-strapped IT organizations need help improving the end-user service experience, while at the same time improving operational efficiencies. CFOs want a direct and transparent view into their technology investments to ensure the enterprise is maximizing the asset value throughout the lifecycle. And environmental, social and governance (ESG) teams need to demonstrate compliance with asset disposition practices and circular economy guidelines.

IDC believes asset lifecycle management services can be a suitable option for organizations looking to shift resources away from repetitive, mundane IT tasks and focus on supporting critical innovations for key business objectives.