How Winning IT Teams Support CX Goals with High-Confidence Data

How Data Integration and IT Improve Customer Experiences (CX)

Better Data Quality Gets More Sales and Customer Retention

Companies that provide pleasing customer experiences (CX) improve customer satisfaction by 20% and sales conversions by 15%1. And they can’t do this without IT support.

How and why? High-quality data lets CX teams make experiences relevant, personalized and timely.

Without it, CX teams don’t know what makes customers tick, can’t optimize, and waste time and budget.

IT saves the day here, but only if you can get the best data possible to the right people.

Read this guide on how to make that happen. Find out the:

  • Ins and outs of customer experience-making
  • Ways low-quality data costs your business customers and sales
  • Difference improvements in data integration, governance and quality make inROI and customer satisfaction
