IDC: Evaluating Storage Vendor Guarantee Programs

IDC: Evaluating Storage Vendor Guarantee Programs

Guarantee programs from storage vendors can drive significant value, but you need to make sure you dig into the details.

IDC explains the value that you can realize from the different components of and approaches to storage-guarantee programs. Armed with this knowledge, IT management teams can make more informed purchase decisions that can lead to a better experience.

Read “How to Evaluate Enterprise Storage Vendor Guarantee Programs” from IDC to gain insight into:

  • The 10 major areas covered by storage vendor guarantee programs
  • The value and tradeoffs of the different approaches taken by vendors
  • Advice for the technology buyer

“IT Managers should use their knowledge of the range of different competitive program facets across ventors to negotiate a better customer experience on their next enterprise storage infrastructure refresh.”
— Eric Burgener, IDC