5 Steps To Successful Off-site Projects And Meetings: A Travel Manager's Guide

5 Steps To Successful Off-site Projects And Meetings: A Travel Manager's Guide

If you’re a seasoned travel manager, you’ll have seen the industry change significantly, but never more so than in the last few years. The signs all point to the continued recovery of the workforce travel industry following the slump of the past three years, with stats showing that 64% of business travel managers expect their travel booking activity to increase this year.

This sees us on track for a ‘total’ recovery of the sector by 2026 as predicted by the Global Business Travel Association’s 2022 Business Travel Index Outlook.

Yet while the overall landscape looks positive, the day-to-day role of a travel manager has never been harder to navigate.

Our 2023 survey of 100 travel managers across 24 sectors found that 31 per cent saw hotel prices as their biggest challenge, while 27 per cent expected the availability of accommodation to be a potential headache, especially for long stays.