Your Global Hiring Blueprint: How to Assess a Global Employment Platform

Your Global Hiring Blueprint: How to Assess a Global Employment Platform

Technology has enabled an interconnected workforce — one in which cross-cultural communication and collaboration will unlock the future.

As companies today can now work more easily across locations, time zones and borders, access to diverse talent has never been greater. But expanding your global workforce brings complexity, as well as opportunity. Taking a global Employer of Record (EOR) approach to building your global teams allows you to take on international expansion without having to set up local branches or needing to master difficult regulations and compliance yourself. To help you decide whether using an EOR is right for your business, we’ve created a Global Employment Platform Evaluation Checklist.

Download the checklist to learn:

•    How EOR’s work for businesses around the world.
•    What 8 key things to consider when choosing an EOR.
•    How EOR’s can support strong HR practices worldwide.
•    How payroll can be implemented quickly and accurately.