New Research Reveals That 63% of Senior Executives Have Resigned or Considered Resigning Due To Frustration With Organizational Decision-Making

New Research Reveals That 63% of Senior Executives Have Resigned or Considered Resigning Due To Frustration With Organizational Decision-Making

Kingsley Gate, a leading global, private equity-backed executive search firm, unveiled “Bad Decisions: Why companies miss the most important factor in executive hiring”, a new report that examines decision-making as a critical and too-often-overlooked lens to identifying, onboarding and empowering leadership talent.

Despite the essential role that decision-making plays in hiring senior executives, a survey commissioned by Kingsley Gate and conducted by FT Longitude of the Financial Times Group in May and June 2023, reveals that a staggering 25% of senior executives did not explicitly discuss the topic of decision making prior to taking their current senior leadership role. Candidates who did discuss decision-making, however, are 1.4x more likely to be satisfied, not only with decision-making elements of their role, but with their jobs overall, compared to those who did not. Dissatisfied executives are prone to bear costs on their organizations in a multitude of ways.

The report’s findings unearth how leadership hiring serves as a primary method of elevating decision-making effectiveness. Respondents cited company leadership as the most influential factor in improving their organization’s decision making, followed closely by the introduction of new employees into the mix. These people-centric factors were ranked higher than technology, processes, data-analysis tools and even senior executives’ personal, self-reported impact.

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