The State of Snapchat Advertising in the U.S.

Are you advertising on Snapchat, or considering it?

Report: Snapchat Advertising in the U.S.


Access our snap-shot view of creative ad performance on Snapchat. From the average monthly ad impressions to top creative trends and advertisers, we've compiled an analysis of Snapchat advertising so you can make better decisions when it comes to investing your advertising budget on Snapchat.

Download the report to view the latest trends and better inform your media strategies.

Featured in the report

U.S. advertisers continued to increase spending on Snapchat advertising in 2022. But how much did they dedicate to the platform, and who’s betting on Snapchat to help them win over customers with ads? You’ll find all the details in our State of Snapchat Advertising in the U.S. report.

Here’s what you’ll learn from the report:

  • Snapchat advertising growth from Q1 2022 - Q1 2023, including ad spend and impressions

  • How Snapchat creative assets boosted monthly impressions on months surrounding current events and new content

  • Which, and how much top advertisers are investing on Snapchat, to include:
    • Media Advertisers, specifically streaming services

    • Arts & Entertainment

    • Telecom industry

    • Computers & Consumer Electronics

  • Popular streaming services on Snapchat, and their creative assets across multiple categories

  • Advertiser spending across multiple social channels