Kubernetes Backup and Recovery

Kubernetes Backup and Recovery


No one needs to tell you that the cloud is the place to be. Cloud-native adoption and usage is, well, skyrocketing (sorry, pun intended). Kubernetes is everywhere, well on its way to being the next enterprise platform of choice, the foundation for all kinds of applications, with very good reason. It’s portable, it’s agile, it’s scalable, it’s incredibly reliable, and it’s a developer’s dream.

What it’s not, however, is the be all and end all for the protection of your data. In fact, some of the architectural magic that makes it great also happens to create new challenges in data management and protection. The protections it offers your applications don’t automatically extend to your data, and you can’t just retrofit legacy backup architectures into a cloud-native ecosystem.

You need a truly cloud-native backup solution, one that not just speaks the language of Kubernetes but lives on this new and exciting planet. And you need insight into the best practices that ensure a smooth evolution to cloud-native adoption and usage.