IDC Activating Data Intelligence to Deliver Business Value

IDC Predictive Data Intelligence RFP Checklist

Find the Right Data Intelligence Solution for Your Company

63% of organizations who invested in data intelligence technology report improved business outcomes, customer satisfaction, industry innovation, and time to market1

Find the best predictive data intelligence technology for your company with the IDC Technology Assessment Guide: Activating Data Intelligence to Deliver Business Value.

It will help you evaluate and select the right criteria for your RFP.

Highlights include:

  • An eight-section checklist featuring criteria for data cataloging, lineage, governance and more, to training, services and support.
  • Tips to optimize for transparency, automation and adoption to maximize your data intelligence strategy results.
  • Ways to address key challenges in making data intelligence actionable.

1. Bond, Stewart. “IDC Technology Assessment Guide: Activating Data Intelligence to Deliver Business Value,” IDC, August 2022.